Monday, February 28, 2011

Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive,Dodge...and Duprez

This past week the Athletes of the Week took on the faculty in a dodge ball game that quickly turned into survival of the fittest. The Athletes of the Week had a much bigger team, arguably an advantage, and yet they lost all three games played. The faculty all brought their “A” game, but one member stood out: Sr. Duprez. He was pegging children left and right; some not even in the game and was showing no mercy. This week we caught up with him and asked him about his captainship, his feelings towards his team’s domination, and his teams recruiting program. Check it out!

Below are a few of the many innocent bystanders who were brutally injured by Sr. Duprez. The first is the exchange student from Macedonia who will not be returning to America after his dodge ball experience.

The next video is of Ramon Gallegos, who is now hospitalized in the nurse’s office for his dodge ball atrocity.

This last video of Julianne Longen explains how dodge ball scarred her emotionally.

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